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Fundació Cavalls
del Pirineu

Our philosophy is based on connecting with the horse. It is about having a sensitive, observant disposition anchored in the present moment, aiming to foster understanding and communication.

Who we are

In an ideal world, horses would be completely happy, free in vast open spaces without limits, with necessary sustenance and without the inconvenience of humans. However, this utopia does not align with the world we currently live in. Therefore, our intention is to prepare and accompany the horse to adapt as best as it can, with patience, to the present world.

Our way of interacting with them is the result of a perspective on and perception of horses, a viewpoint that focuses on the uniqueness of this living being.

For this reason, our approach with horses is not a method, nor is it about following an “ABC” that would be the same for every animal. It is precisely the opposite – it is about “seeing” the horse in its singularity in order to teach it while respecting its learning and acceptance pace.

It is about establishing a bond of trust in which the horse can thrive.

Our knowledge is grounded in a solid education, which has been adapted over many hours spent with horses, observing and being with them, as well as many years of practice during which various horses were encountered.


To shape, in this context, means providing tools that allow individuals to feel more secure and equipped when making requests of their horse (such as catching it, loading onto a trailer, accepting necessary care, etc.).

At times, shaping also involves putting words to traditional practices and techniques, acknowledging the value and validity of what has been done, and proposing improvements for both the horse and the human.

More information.

We carry out various activities: sensing the horse, starting young horses, equine handling to facilitate their day-to-day, for both them and their owners, handling during transportation, others.

These activities are directed towards, and adapted for, different groups (livestock farmers, agricultural schools, and other educational institutions, youth organizations, etc.). If you are interested in our training, please contact us.

In that sense, we highlight:
- Consulting and supporting 'Hípica Aventura Verda'. Removal of metal bits from the mouth and transition to bitless riding (Ribera de Cardós, 2023).
- Theoretical and practical training for the foundation Cavall Pirinenc Català (Llavorsí, 2022).
- Activities with the horse herd (Cau el Prat, 2022).


This branch of the Foundation has two complementary lines of intervention and action: "Women: past, present, and future" and "Women and recovery."

The first is aimed at all women, regardless of their age. We aim to create a space where women can see, meet, and share experiences, knowledge, and initiatives. This line is primarily focused on experimentation and intergenerational transmission, valuing the past in the present to project into the future.

More information.

The second is dedicated to women who have experienced gender-based violence. The main objective is to promote physical and emotional recovery, reducing the secondary effects of violence (isolation, low self-esteem, stress, etc.).

Our main working tool is a unique setting in Pallars Sobirà, with a "Herd" of 22 horses, where we initiate this process to achieve our goals through workshops and various activities. In this context, it is crucial to highlight that horses are part of the environment and not tools. The environment acts as a facilitator by providing a combination of elements that encourage well-being and relaxation.

If you are interested in this project, if you have questions to share, or if you would like more information, please contact us.


The main focus of the Foundation, concerning horses, is to improve the situation of the equine community; that's why we believe it is necessary to conduct assessments.

To enhance and ensure the well-being of the horses, we believe that an evaluation, followed by professional guidance with the delivery of points for improvement, can promote both short-term and long-term evolution.

More information.

To carry out this assessment, we will use tools created from over 25 years of experience in caring for horses.

We visit equine facilities and analyze the deficiencies (weak points) and/or improvements to be applied (water points, food and storage, grazing space, and development as a horse, etc.).

We assess the physical and mental condition of the evaluated horse.

We provide guidance, actively participate, and follow up to ensure that these improvements are implemented.


From the Foundation, we cannot and do not wish to take in more horses to stay at our facility; it would not be a sustainable situation for us.

Our goal, in this regard, is to find a suitable place for the horses that guarantees their well-being. By suitable, we mean various points listed in the "evaluate" section. Additionally, we understand that this place will align with our philosophy.

This pillar involves work prior to welcoming a horse.

More information.

Horses are animals that often have histories of many disruptions, changes of owners/caretakers, etc. Our primary intention is to promote continuity in terms of the bonds the animal may have formed in its current environment. Therefore, we want, as much as possible, to prioritize improving the horse's situation where it is, through collaborative efforts with its owner/caretaker. This stage involves ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the situation in the short, medium, and long term.

In the event that improvements are not possible or are not sustained over time, we will proceed with taking in the animal.

In summary, after studying the situation, assessing, advising, and monitoring, if necessary, we will welcome the horse and care for it until we find a new home, which must adhere to our philosophy.

The new home, as well as the accommodated horse, will be assessed in the short, medium, and long term to ensure their well-being.



Eulàlia Guntin

“I was born with an attraction to horses that is now my passion.”

Eulàlia Guntin

Toni Bergua

“Good intentions with horses are not enough; we will share what we learn every day with everyone.”

Toni Bergua

Yaiza André

“I believe in integral development from a feminist perspective and in contact with nature.”

Yaiza André Rodriguez

Gabrielle Royant

“We will create a unique environment where women can recover and gain confidence.”

Gabrielle Royant

Marina Clavera

“We must discover a new way of doing things.”

Marina Clavera

DONA Project

Our project is based on supporting women who have suffered gender-based violence, reducing the side effects that impact their physical and emotional health.

Our main working tool is a unique natural setting in Pallars Sobirà with a herd of 22 horses where women can recover and engage in activities. In this context, the horses are an integral part of the environment rather than a tool.

Our work is coordinated with the official victim support entities.

Our past work

The Foundation is the result of many years (more than 25!) of working in anonymity, with the help of many anonymous individuals and limited resources. But with determination, effort, and, above all, a lot of love for these living beings, we have reached the present day.

Next, we want to provide a brief summary of the actions we have undertaken in the past, those currently ongoing, and those yet to come:

Inicio – English
Inicio – English

Make a donation

Your annual contribution as Collaborators helps us bring the DONA Project to life and maintain the horses.

Click on THE LINK to access the Donation Page.

Also, you can make a donation to our account:
ES03 2100 0043 9302 0041 1142

Fundació Cavalls del Pirineu

Send us an email to receive our gratitude to admin@cavalls.org

a Sponsor

Companies can make donations in products and/or financial donations, sponsor events, and offer collaborations.

Contact us!

609 53 89 26